Continuing Education Opportunities


The conference may qualify for up to
12 CLE* and 12 CPE/GPCI CEU Credits
*As sessions are added on a rolling basis, credit amounts are subject to change and may vary by state

CAE Pending until approved. 
NASBA Full attendance at the conference is eligible for 12 CPE credits. Select credits apply for CPE. 
GPCI Full attendance at the conference is eligible for 12 GPCI credits. Select credits apply for GPCI. 
Alabama Pending until approved.
Alaska Alaska Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in other states if the program is approved by another MCLE accredited jurisdiction. 
Arkansas Arkansas Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in other states if the program is approved by another MCLE accredited jurisdiction. 
British Columbia Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 12 general credits and 1.25 ethics credits in British Columbia. 
California California Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in other states if the program is approved by another MCLE accredited jurisdiction. 
Colorado Pending until approved. 
Delaware Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 11 general credits and 1.3 ethics credits in Delaware.
Florida Florida Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in other states if the program is approved by another MCLE accredited jurisdiction.
Georgia Pending until approved.
Hawaii Hawaii Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in other states if the program is approved by another MCLE accredited jurisdiction. 
Idaho Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 12 general credits and 1.25 ethics credits in Idaho.
Iowa Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 12 general credits and 1.25 ethics credits in Iowa.
Illinois Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 12 general credits and 1.25 ethics credits in Illinois.     
Indiana Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 12 general credits and 1.3 ethics credits in Indiana. 
Kansas Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 14 general credits and 1.5 ethics credits in Kansas. 
Kentucky Pending until approved. 
Louisiana Pending until approved.
Maine Maine Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in other states if the program is approved by another MCLE accredited jurisdiction. 
Minnesota Pending until approved.  
Mississippi Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 18 general credits and 1.3 ethics credits in Mississippi. 
Missouri Pending until approved. 
Montana Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 12 general credits and 1.25 ethics credits in Montana. 
Nebraska Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 12 general credits and 1.25 ethics credits in Nebraska. 
Nevada Pending until approved.
New Hampshire Attendees will need to apply as an individual to NH for accreditation. We will give you a certificate of attendance. 
New Mexico Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 30.7 general credits and 1.2 ethics credits in New Mexico. 
North Carolina Pending until approved. 
North Dakota North Dakota Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in other states if the program is approved by another MCLE accredited jurisdiction.
New Jersey New Jersey Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in other states if the program is approved by another MCLE accredited jurisdiction. 
New York New York Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in other states if the program is approved by another MCLE accredited jurisdiction.         
Ohio Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 12 general credits and 1.25 ethics credits in Ohio. 
Oklahoma Pending until approved.
Oregon Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 10.75 general credits and 1.25 ethics credits in Oregon.
Pennsylvania Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 10 general credits and 1 ethics credit in Pennsylvania. 
Puerto Rico Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 4 general credits in Puerto Rico.
Rhode Island Pending until approved. 
South Carolina Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 12 general credits and 1.25 ethics credits in South Carolina.
Tennessee Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 12 general credits and 1.25 ethics credits in Tennessee.
Texas Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 12 general credits and 1.25 ethics credits in Texas.
Utah Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 12 general credits and 1 ethics credit in Utah.
Vermont Pending until approved. 
Virgin Islands Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 12 general credits and 1.25 ethics credits in the Virgin Islands.
Virginia Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 11 general credits and 1.5 ethics credits in Virginia.
Washington Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 12 law & legal credits, 1.25 ethics credits, and 7.5 office management credits in Washington. The following sessions were approved for Other credit (Office Management): Finance: The New “Office” Space Race: Leveraging Market Shifts for Strategic Success, Finance: Keeping the Focus on Financial Health, Finance: Bulls, Bears, and Ballots – Tame the Beast, Finance: Frauditing, and Legal: The Non- Profit Lawyer’s Ethics Commitment approved for Ethics-General. credit. 
West Virginia Pending until approved. 
Wisconsin Pending until approved. 
Wyoming Attendance at select legal sessions was approved for up to 12 general credits and 1.25 ethics credits in Wyoming. 

NASBA CPE Credits:

Columbia Books & Information Services is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN, 37219-2417. Web site: If you are not able to attend for any reason, please notify us as soon as possible. Conference cancellations received 10 business days prior to the event are fully refundable. All other cancellations are non-refundable.

GPCI Credits:

Columbia Books & Information Services, is registered with the Grant Professionals Certication Institute (GPCI) as an accepted continuing education provider of continuing education credits (CEU). Issuers of national credentials have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CEU credit.